Be A Dreamer

"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." - 1 Corinthians 3:7

C.S. Lewis once said, "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." This is not a dream of the night when our eyes are closed and our mind is asleep, rather it is a dream of a day while our eyes are wide open and our mind is awake. The dreamers of the day are determined to make it possible. They know that dreams are bigger than self, so their motive is not self aggrandizement but the fulfillment of a bigger vision. They understand life is short but a vision is big. Their dream might or might not be accomplished in their life time, nevertheless they vigorously pursue it. They are those who see beyond their limit and the ordinary. Dreamers are like those who plant.

The dreamers dream accomplishment requires assistance from others. It will bear much good fruit in an environment where it is surrounded by those who share its ambition and who are resolved to its success,. On the other hand it will wither and die in circumstances where people withdraw their support. Good environment is a recipe for its success. Behind every successful dream, there is a strong, wise and hardworking people. These are those who persistently water the dream seed and tree so that it can bear fruit.

Those who plant and water are not competitors but co-workers. They are selfless people who are able to see the bigger picture. They are those who live a purpose driven life. "What is in it for me!" is not in their book rather their life motto is, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." They live not to be served but to serve others. There is fulfillment in their lives. Most of all they are those who surrender everything to the will of God. They know that God has the final say in everything.

Therefore let's be dreamers and help in the fulfillment of other dreams, by this we could be partakers of God's work in this world. Let's not be like Joseph's brothers who tried to bury a dream in a deep pit, eventually let's realize that it is for all our benefit. Let's encourage the dreamers of our day and let's desire and pray God to give us more dreamers in our land because "where there is no vision, the people perish!"

Love and blessings

Brehane-meskel Araya