Love For All

"They'll make it into a desolate place, and, desolate, it will cry out in mourning to me. The whole land will be desolate because no one takes it to heart." - Jeremiah 12:11

If our Christianity can't see beyond the end of our nose then it's illegal. What makes Christianity legitimate is selflessness. If we can't see the lamentation of those who are around us, then we are far from Christ. Christianity is to stand and speak on behalf of all those who are mourning regardless of their race, tribe or religion. We should defend the image of God in all humanity, only then people could see Christ in us. "God so loved the world" should be our guide in loving others. When we stand for the persecuted Church, we must also stand for all the oppressed. Silence at the midst of others suffering is a sin. In fact it's a shame to speak of blessings of one's nation while injustice is mushrooming everywhere in the land. Unless we take what's happening around us to heart, desolation is our destiny. O LORD give a wailing prophet to our land! Amen

Love and blessings

Brehane-meskel Araya